Create a toddler playground at home
The playground is essential to my life. It wears my toddler out and gives us some much needed time out of the same four walls. This means my spring and summer are great – I’m practically raising two girls for the Hunger Games. But for Autumn and Winter I’m a slave to the weather forecast and the regular British rain.
We all know what happens when kids get cooped up – chaos in line with a gremlins invasion. So here’s my top tips for keeping them moving without having to leave the house.
Yoga ball
The best baby spacehopper, where you can bounce their bums on it or sit on it yourself with your toddler on your lap. You can also put their favourite toys on the other side and roll them on their tummies towards them. We call it Extreme Toy retrieval.
Blanket swing
Make sure it’s safe to do this first. Basically, lie your child in the middle of a blanket, and two people take two corners each to swing them from side to side. My toddler loves it even more than a regular playground swing. My arms do not.
Obstacle course
We all did this when we were kids right? Get the cushions down from the sofa, make use of the footstool and blankets and make your own assault course. Make use of the other ideas on this list to really up the ante and create the ultimate lounge run.
Obviously nothing in line with the WWE, just a bit of picking the child up and swinging them around; letting them climb on you and throwing them onto a comfy sofa. All the things Dwayne Johnson would approve of.
Den building
Normally, when you imagine den building you think of the great outdoors but some dining chairs and a few blankets soon give any small child everything they need for a cosy play space. I’ve already mentioned den building on my imaginative play list as the possibilities are endless: your kids can play castles, cafe and more.
Yes, unfortunately, you do have to go out and buy this one. But even a Chad Valley trampoline (currently under £25 from Argos) can provide hours of entertainment when it’s raining outside. But if you’re really stretched for ideas, I’m sure your sofa or double spring mattress is just as bouncy.
Treasure hunt
Try to use things that your child has great motivation to find: cake, stickers, their favourite toys. If your child is too young to understand how a treasure hunt works try to make use of ‘loud’ musical toys: even if they don’t like them, they’ll be looking around to switch them off.
Water table
Yes, this might not be your first port of call when it’s raining outside but waterplay is great for a good mess around. And if you don’t like the idea of your kids getting soggy on a cold winter’s day, you can make use of kinetic sand or lentils.
One of the few sports you can do in your living room. Put on some Youtube videos (there’s some great toddler dance/ yoga ones) and dance, dance, dance. For some reason in our house, dancing often leads to wrestling – ticking off two ideas on this list.
Keepy Uppy
Balloons and young children go together like gin and tonic. Keepy uppy is a great way to get little kids moving and communicating – while also being great for independent play. Just keep your best ornaments out of the room.