How to care for your child’s teeth

When those shiny white gnashers first appear in your baby’s mouth, it’s hard to believe they could ever need to be extracted – surely they fall out after a few years anyway? Yet tooth decay remains the leading cause of visits to A&E for kids in England, even though it’s entirely preventable. Here’s a few tips for your child to keep their Hollywood smile (and avoid a nightmare toothache)…

1. Wipe your baby’s gums with a clean cloth 2 times a day before they get any teeth. 

2. Start brushing your baby’s teeth twice a day as soon as the first milk tooth breaks through – usually at around 6 months old, but it can be earlier or later. (My children were both turned one before a tooth appeared.)

3. Avoid giving your child high-sugar foods and drinks. Be careful when choosing fruits high in sugar too. 

4. When they are a year old, offer water between meals.

5. Use fluoride toothpaste – there’s plenty designed for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

6. Teach your child to brush their teeth when they turn 2, guiding their hand and using a mirror – but always brush afterwards to make sure their teeth are cleaned properly.

7. Take your child to the dentist for regular checkups. Make sure you register for one as soon as they’re born and NHS dentists are rarer than unicorns. 

8. From 3 years old, apply fluoride varnish every six months (consult your dentist if you think your child needs it earlier). 

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