Homebirth equipment list

So you’re thinking about a homebirth. Well done! You are potentially only a few weeks away from giving birth in your cosy home delivery suite – but how do you transform your living room into one? Here’s the ultimate homebirth equipment list, a rundown of EVERYTHING you could ever need for birthing at home…

Waterproof cover – think cheap shower curtain or ground sheets

Old towels (ones that you don’t mind getting stained)

Black bin liner

Kitchen roll

Comfortable clothing – perhaps a nightie if you’re not in the pool. A sports bra if you are.

Maternity towels

Heating in the room you want to birth in


Clean hand towel

A visible clock to record time of birth

Packed hospital bag in case of transfer to hospital (read here for what needs to be packed!)

Baby’s car seat secured and car available in case of transfer

Your maternity notes

High energy snacks and drinks for yourself in labour

Refreshments for midwife and birthing partner

Your birthing preferences decided: pool, tens, ball, 3rd stage management, feeding option, Vit K

Mirror and torch if birthing in a pool

Planning for heating and maintaining temperature of pool, pool thermometer, sieve

Homebirth equipment list to be ticked off on the day

Puppy pads

Plastic measuring jug

Baby changing mat, baby towel and baby hat, nappies

Care/ supervision arranged for older children

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